Ingredients: 1 cup sunflower seeds 2 quarts water 1/2 cup salt Other seasonings of your choice
Making the Meal: 1) Pour water, salt, and seasonings in a saucepan. 2) Rinse sunflower seeds and remove extra organic matter. 3) Add sunflower seeds to water and salt in pan. 4) Bring water to a boil, then turn down to simmer. 5) Simmer 1 to 1.5 hours. 6) When done, strain water and seeds through colander. Place seeds on paper towel and let dry. Do not rinse the seeds! 7) Preheat oven to 325 degrees. 8) Spread seeds on cookie sheet and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. 9) Stir frequently. 7) Remove from oven when seeds are slightly browned and fragrant.
Recipe adapted from
